Alarming trends in Native American and Indigenous people’s mental health are cause for concern. According to Mental Health America, suicide rates for this community during the ages of 12-19 are over two times the death rate for white Americans. MHA also reports that this demographic starts to abuse drugs and alcohol at younger ages and higher rates than other ethnic groups. These statistics for Native and Indigenous youths cannot be ignored as mental health during this age is already imperative as is and these trends are dangerous.
Many experts attribute these large disparities in mental health of Native American and Indigenous peoples to historical and generational trauma. This ethnic group has faced marginalization since the beginning of the founding of this country, and are still subjected to forced assimilation and ethnically driven crimes today. It is no coincidence that the lasting impact of this today is how this ethnic group has the highest rate of mental health issues in our country.
It is important to realize barriers that may prevent many Native and Indigenous Peoples from seeking help. Insurance and economic factors make seeking help harder, and certain stigmas in the community may also halt individuals from recognizing issues and seeking this necessary help. Another critical barrier is a lack of resources for treatment that are culturally sensitive to this group. These barriers must be addressed before progress in our Native youth’s mental health can be made.

Educate yourself...
Read about the impact of the national pandemic on the Native American community as it relates to mental health in these trying conditions.
Native Americans are 2x more likely to suffer PTSD then the general population
Over 19% of Native Americans and Alaska Natives reported having a mental illness
Native Americans and Alaska Natives have the highest rate of lifetime major depressive episodes and self-reported depression rates than any other ethnic group.
In 2014, suicide was the second leading cause of death for Native American and Alasks Natives between the ages of 10-34.
For female Native Americans and Alaska Natives youth suicide is the leading cause of death, compared to white females, they were 4 times more likely to commit suicide.
Resources to help the Native American and Indigenous Peoples Community:
A Native American youth run organization that focuses on the mental wellbeing of Native communities and Native youths.
StrongHearts Native Helpline - (1-844-762-8483)
A culturally sensitive and confidential helpline accessible every day to Natives regarding issues of domestic violence and abuse.
Federally funded national resource that emphasizes on mental health of Native Americans and works in the prevention of substance abuse in relation to the community.
Cites used:
“Centers for American Indian & Alaska Native Health.” University of Colorado
Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus,
“Mental Health Disparities: American Indians and Alaska Natives.” American
Psychiatric Association , file:///Users/owner/Downloads/Mental-Health-Facts-
“Native Americans and Mental Health.” Native Americans and Mental Health | DO-IT,
“Native and Indigenous Communities and Mental Health.” Mental Health America,
NoStigmas. “American Indian & Alaskan Native Mental Health.” NoStigmas,
NoStigmas, 20 Mar. 2018,