Highlighting mental health in students is important so that schools know how they can help students have a more positive experience and get the help they need to set them up for success in their futures.
Students with existing mental health issues are more likely to be chronically absent from school, perform poorly, and drop out. Things like this can negatively affect their future employment, earning potential, and overall health.
It is also important to highlight the effects school itself has on students' mental health. School is often a main contributor of stress in students’ lives. This may be from an upcoming deadline, high expectations to do well from parents, and overwhelming workload to name a few. All of these stressors among other things often make existing mental health conditions worse or are responsible for the declining mental health of a previously healthy student.
⅕ students in the US show signs/symptoms of a mental health disorder in a given year
80% of students who need mental health services do not receive them
80% of students report that they feel stress on a daily basis
Resources to further educate yourself:
This article explains why it is important to spread awareness about mental health in schools
Broad overview of how addressing mental health in students can lead to better performance
Some resources that will help students:
Ways for teachers to help students who struggle with mental health
Provides online resources for students struggling with mental health
Anderson, Meg, and Kavitha Cardoza. “Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis
Affecting Millions Of Students.” NPR, NPR, 31 Aug. 2016,
“Consequences of Student Mental Health Issues.” Consequences of Student Mental
Health Issues | Suicide Prevention Resource Center, www.sprc.org/colleges-
“Mental Health Guide.” RSS, collegestats.org/resources/mental-health-guide/.
“Mental Health in Middle Level and High Schools.” NASSP, 30 Jan. 2019,